don't mess with the mama...

Apparently, I am not an easy person to be around when I am pregnant. My husband often comments to this effect. My inability to be a decent human when I am carrying another within me may seriously limit the number of offspring we have. How terrible can I be, you may ask? Well, to date I have already told my husband to go away and sit down because I was tired of looking at him. Yes, I know, terribly indecent of me.

Today, my irritability crossed over into the possibly unacceptable. We were at Chick-Fil-A for lunch and Emory was playing happily in the play place. She was the youngest in there by far. There were a couple of older girls, probably about 7 or 8 years old. They were inside the gym and slides and Emory crawled up there to play. The "big girls" immediately started hollering, "Ewww baby! Go away, you wear stinky diapers!" Now, I am not sure if it was pride in my daughter's recent toileting achievements or anger at the percieved mistreatment of my baby cub, but I quickly retorted, "She does not! She wears big girls panties!"

The 8-year-old then responded with another "Eeewww! Big girl panties!" And I, being ever the adult that I am, asked her "Why is that gross? Don't you wear big girl underwear? Are you gross?" She then changed tactics as Emory began to taunt her and say "Baby, baby." to the big girl. With a small pout the big girl told me, "She's calling me a baby." And I informed her, "That is because she is copying the bad habit you taught her, to call other children babies." At the moment, my husband walks in from having disposed of our trash. He takes in the scene, sees my heavy breathing and flushed face, takes me by the arm and says, "Go home and take a nap!"

See, it ain't pretty. And we have 26 more weeks of this?


Gigi said…
My poor dear, dear baby-bearing daughter! I feel so for you. Your story floods me with memories of my own experiences bearing children. I pray earnestly for you that God would sustain you through this. "It's kinda like" functioning "for the joy set before you". I did not enjoy the incubating or the hatching but rearing you was a joy..mostly!
Robin Stevens said…
You're a nut!! The next 26 weeks will pass very very quickly!!
Grace Kajdos said…
You are a total badass! Obviously, that child needed a taste of her own medicine! I will start to pray more for your attitude now!
WonderGirl said…
Okay, this may not be helpful, but I think you were TOTALLY justified in admonishing that little bully. It takes a community, right? ;) I don't think that being kind means that you necessarily need to bite your tongue, especially at injustice. That little girl needed to hear it, and you just happened to be primed to deliver the message.

I'm just sayin'.

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