what is it....

...about a baby that is so ever-lovin' enjoyable? Maybe it is just this baby and not all babies, but I am totally and completely having a blast with him! All he really does is eat, sleep, poop, and occasionally pee on me, but he's a trip to have around the house already. Maybe it's 'cuz I'm no longer a newbie at having a baby and I'm more relaxed? Maybe it's because he's a boy and momma's are notorious for favoring their little men? Who am I really kidding? It's totally because this kid doesn't sass me, is thankful for the small things I do for him, and actually seems to like me. I really need one of my kids to like me right now.

On another note, the big girl and I are in the midst of having to forge ourselves a new way of relating to each other. After a hideous 24 hours around here, during which I treated her and was treated in ways I never imagined possible in my relationship with her, I finally sent out my S.O.S. to the ladies in my Bible study group. What a great group of girls. Within hours I could literally feel the prayers. I got e-mails lifting me up, reminding me of things I was having trouble remembering, and offers of actual physical help. So cool to be a part of the Body of Christ. Once again, I ask, how in the world do non-believers even get up in the morning? If it were not for Christ and His family, we would never make it around here.

If you pop in unannounced these days you find Emory in mismatched clothes she chose herself, me in my pajamas, Ethan dressed to the nines and sleeping in the swing, and old glamor shots of me at age 15 that Emory discovered yesterday and has insisted on distributing around the house for her viewing pleasure. She calls them pictures of crazy mommy!


Beth Pruitt said…
Glamour shots?! I am so jealous. I so wanted glamour shots when I was a teen, but my parents didn't think it would be "money well spent." Whatever.
I am so stopping by one day next week, just to see you all gussied up at 15. (And to see you, Emory and Ethan, of course!)
Mosshouse said…
I'd like to see those GLamour shots on facebook, please.
Gigi said…
Hmmm, I tho't you'd buried those pictures! Would love to hear the comments when your friends see them.
Remind Beth I'm the 'cool' mom...
My comment on your life & times right now?: You've finally reached the big time! Adding the next few babies will never go like it's going now. This is the toughest. You are doing a GREAT job! Watching you is flooding me with memories I doubt you remember, Praise God!
Olivia said…
I had the exact same experience when I had James! He is so easy compared to dealing with Anna Ruth. Like you said, they don't talk back, get in the way, yap your ear off, and whine all day. That's funny that you're having the same story at your place. That's great, though, that he's so laid back; I'm sure you need the break! :)

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