the joy of a boy...

Sorry to be gone so long. I actually would have blogged sooner, but our internet has been down. So far adding a baby to the fam has been a walk in the park. He's an incredibly easy baby and we are praying that it stays that way :). He is such a delight to have as part of our family and he has a look about him that makes me think he might be a very content and laid back boy. He even looks like he really wants to smile at me already, but just can't quite figure it out.

One glaring difference between having a boy after a girl? When you change their diaper you must either wear safety goggles or prepare to duck!

Well, time to feed the boy again. Nine pounders like to eat and often.


Gigi said…
These are such great pictures. Since Daddy hasn't 'uploaded' ours yet, I printed a few of your blog pics and took them to church Sunday. Everyone appropriately ooo'd & ahhhh'd.

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