
Showing posts from 2010

what i done today...

a hard week....

oh, the things that come out of that girl's mouth!

pictures of the babes...

Christmas with a four-year-old...

evolution of a christmas card photo....

turns out...

holiday doings...

2 very unrelated pieces of information...

opening the floor...

another giveaway!

I will probably be late to my own funeral...

Another favorite thing...

a few of my favorite things...

it's beginning to look a lot like....

Emory at 4!


wookie or wookiee?

What I think about while rocking Ethan before nap time...

waiting is hard...

a short rant...

Let's ask Eric...

House Rules...

in the background...

Must be doing something right....

John 3:16

an interesting glimpse...

A Giveaway!

a little bit of comfort on a hard day....

more cute stuff about my kids...

Just life...

another top ten...

some recent musings from my oldest...

yanked from Molly Piper's blog...

Happy Birthday, Ethan!

Honey and Cream Cheese Filled Fig Muffins

to Gigi's house we go...

baby news...

A new twist...


food advanced...

the day the planets aligned...

how life feels right now...

a little boy watching the big boys play basketball in the street...

backyard ice cream!

don't judge a book by it's cover...

it's happening, i can't stop it...

feelin' dusty...

more from the funniest three-year-old on the planet...

just for my parents...

Do you see it?

tsk, tsk.....

crackin' me up!

terribly productive.....

a whole bunch of photos...