Happy Birthday, Ethan!

How do you celebrate one of the most amazing little boys ever to enter this world?  You start with filling his playroom with balloons to play with, then you add a little bit of chocolate chip waffles for breakfast - complete with a candle, of course.  Then, you add a dash of a trip to a splash pad for the morning with a whole bunch of friends, not forgetting the boy's favorite lunch - PB&J with a side of blueberries.  Top with blue cupcakes for him and his buddies.  Next add in an extra long afternoon nap.  Stir in a bit of his favorite dinner, hot dogs, cheese, and watermelon and don't forget the made-from-scratch chocolate cherry cupcakes for dessert.  Alternate each meal with a small gift, leaving the biggest gift for after dinner.  Voila!  Happy birthday, Ethan!


~Amanda~ said…
I can't believe it's already been a year!! Happy Birthday Ethan! :)

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