the Skocelai Valentine's day...

was more of an afterthought once it was confirmed that daddy had the flu and Emory had pink eye. I was afraid to go near either of them, much less cuddle and think lovin' thoughts. Emory slept in until 7:30, which was HEAVENLY, and we surprised her with her basket soon after her awakening. There are no pictures to document the event, but rest assured she enjoyed all her goodies immensly. I think her favorite part of the day was candy hearts and jelly beans for breakfast.

To top everything off, I had a thoroughly pregnant day complete with intense nausea, incredible fatigue (I had to sit and rest after blowing my hair dry... and I didn't even use a brush!), and a whopping headache. I did manage to drag my carcass out of the house to limit our exposure to daddy's nasty germies and Emory and I headed out to McWane Center.

After lunch I gave in and took a new headache med that my OB prescribed and it KNOCKED ME OUT! Of all days, Emory did not choose to nap. At one point, she was sitting on the potty and I laid down on the floor and slept while she did her business. I was awakened when she asked for "PAPER, MOMMY!" at the top of her lungs. Let me remind you that the daddy is running a 103 degree fever at this point, and is nothing short of delirious.

After 6:00pm the meds finally wore off and the world began to right itself again. Emory had a fine meal of hot dog, cheetos, and craisins while she watched Wizard of Oz. Since she had not napped, she went down at 7:00pm. WOOHOO! So, I celebrated by ordering a ribeye sandwich from Steak-Out and Eric joined me in watching Nights at Rodanthe. In bed by 10:00, you really can't complain at all!


Mosshouse said…
Oh, Sarah, what a horrible day! I'm so sorry all of you were sick!
Reformed Grits said…
Ok, I wanna know what you took for the headache... I'm guessing it worked? Did the headache come back when it wore off?
Eric and Sarah said…
he had prescribed wygesic which i'd never had before. the headache stayed gone, thankfully! btw... saw your mom at sam's today but i don't think she recognized me and i was in a hurry to get home. tell her it was my daughter that growled at her in the parking lot!

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