two new milestones..

Ladies and Gentleman, I am pleased to announce we are officially sleeping through the night and rolling over back to front. And, by sleeping through the night, I mean my definition, not the candy-ass definition of the AAP. Five straight hours of consecutive sleep when it is dark outside does not constitute sleeping through the night at my house. No siree, I want you to sleep from the time I put you to bed until sometime after 6:00am.

And, Ethan will have something he did better than his over-achieving sister! He rolled over at 15 weeks, 5 days. Emory delayed her back to front adventure until she was 16 weeks old. Go Ethan!


Mosshouse said…
We still don't sleep until 6:00 a.m. You are so blessed.
Eric and Sarah said…
oh Renie! That is just the baby, for some reason the big girl thinks she was born to an owl family...

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