remember the big girl?
I realize I've been heavy on the boy's photos and really need to make sure I keep you abreast of the big girl's happenings too. Below is the best photo we've gotten in a while of the kiddos together, and then there is Emory in her most favorite outfit. She wears it every time it is clean, which means she is in it every Tuesday. Her preschool teachers must think she has a very limited wardrobe. It is actually a summer dress that I got when Children's Place had their monster sale in January. When it came in the mail, she fell in love with it. What you don't see in the picture is the bloomers, which she insists on wearing, as they are underneath the "long" pants. As you can see, she's experienced some growth since we got the pants in the fall. She completes her ensemble with a very colorful choice in footwear. What an eye for color that girl has!