I love it when...
the baby catches sight of his hand, opens his mouth, begins to bring the beloved fist to his mouth for a taste, wiggles those legs in anticipation, gets distracted, bops himself in the eye, and then looks at me for an explanation. What a treaure it is to be watching another little person learn all about living in this big world we've been given.
I'm feeling fulfilled these days. It's crazy strange. I'm so distracted that I'm forgetting to put cat litter back in the box after changing it and I'm running out of gas in the neighborhood causing me to walk home lugging an infant in his carrier, but I'm at peace with my world. These things aren't really undoing me, they are making me laugh at myself. And I am so stinkin' tired since this big boy has regressed back to 2 night wakings again.
Now that we are out of the most difficult first few weeks, and I think I can say we are actually adjusted, I feel so much more relaxed and can enjoy this kid. I'm still trying to figure out how to enjoy them together instead of just one at a time, but I haven't mastered that one yet. But, it really does just keep getting better all the time...
I'm feeling fulfilled these days. It's crazy strange. I'm so distracted that I'm forgetting to put cat litter back in the box after changing it and I'm running out of gas in the neighborhood causing me to walk home lugging an infant in his carrier, but I'm at peace with my world. These things aren't really undoing me, they are making me laugh at myself. And I am so stinkin' tired since this big boy has regressed back to 2 night wakings again.
Now that we are out of the most difficult first few weeks, and I think I can say we are actually adjusted, I feel so much more relaxed and can enjoy this kid. I'm still trying to figure out how to enjoy them together instead of just one at a time, but I haven't mastered that one yet. But, it really does just keep getting better all the time...