Starbucks Give-away!
Correctly guess what 3 of the following 5 phrases of Ethanese translate into English and I'll send you a $10 Starbucks giftcard. Happy guessing!
1.) bast opp
2.) it yowt
3.) dit dowt
4.) dod
5.) bee bo
1.) bast opp
2.) it yowt
3.) dit dowt
4.) dod
5.) bee bo
I'm going to guess that "bee bo" translates to big boy.
I can't figure out what "dit dowt" means but it sounds like something a toddler would say.
And I'll say "dod" translates to dog.
I hope I'm right!
Thanks for the giveaway!
mami2jcn at gmail dot com
Man I hope I win...I could use some free Starbucks!
Thanks for doing a giveaway. They're always fun :).