
What I'm loving....

 - homemade honey bran muffins slathered with a friend's homemade pumkin butter.  so good!
- spending an uninterrupted hour with my oldest while the littles nap
-  my new gym routine.  losing weight easily (the first time since giving birth in 2006) and feeling o-so-good
- hearing the thoughts of my middle child.  he's putting words together well and communicating better than I thought he would, given that he's a boy and a younger sibling.
- the afternoon sunlight.  it goes perfectly with my Bible and a cup of tea.
- my youngest child.  I never knew such delightful babies existed.

What I'm struggling with...

- figuring out how to balance all my hats: mommy, cook, maid, laundromat, teacher, wife, personal shopper, friend, daughter, sister...  something always gets left unattended and I'm sad to report I think it is usually a relationship.
- the new rebellion I see in my two-year-old.  Staying consistent is hard!
- the repeated bouts of copious amounts of snot with my youngest.
- the afternoon nap of the eldest has been completely and utterly laid to rest.  Sob.

So that's life as we know it... for the moment.


Rachel said…
No nap... that's worth a moment of silence.


And yes, delightful youngest babies are so amazing!!

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