the "quarium"

as Emory refers to the Georgia Aquarium, was well worth every penny! Emory enjoyed the first ten minutes and the last hour, but her parents enjoyed every minute of it. I guess 2 isn't a good age to introduce the aquarium. She was too distracted by all the open space to run around in and the cubby holes to hide in to notice the fish. But, it made for some pretty good photo opportunities. Here is our the story of our trip in pictures:

Emory and I cheesing it up outside the entrance.

Isn't that a cool backdrop for a photo?

In the tunnel of fish more than a couple of sharks floated over our heads. It was really cool.

Mesmerized by the illuminescent jelly fish.

This is a sea lion pelt. It was really soft and Emory fell in love with it. The aquarium attendant told us it was a sign of good taste, because these pelts are expensive.

At the Beluga whale exhibit, they play classical music so that it literally looks like the whales are dancing. It is a 2 story, floor to ceiling window into their tank. This is the aquarium's best exhibit in my opinion.

OOHHH! A sting ray!

"I want to touch it!"

Our girl makes a friend wherever we go. Seems fitting, given her momma will tell her life story to the Walmart cashier.

Eating grapes on the way home. Bought us 5 minutes peace...


~Amanda~ said…
Looks like ya'll had a great time! I can't wait to go! I love the first picture. Emory's smile is so cute and you look great! My other favorite one is the illuminating jelly fish. Awesome picture! :)
Candace said…
We just went here this weekend! Sophia and Ellie LOVED it! I agree about the beluga whale exhibit. I found them to be so fascinating with their graceful swimming and the fact that they have a neck! Anywho, I really enjoy your blog.

- Candace
e.c. said…
She is just too cute, Sarah! We had a great time when we went right before Andrew was born. Bobby's company built it, so every family in the company got 6 free tickets. The only draw back at the time was that it was so new that it was INSANELY literally were packed against people like sardines in every exhibit. We paid extra to go to the IMAX presentation just to have some peace!

I thought the grapes buying you five minutes peace was funny and so true! I know several people that are huge neat freaks and don't allow food or drinks in their car(yes, they have children)...I don't know how they survive trips! I mean, they let their kids eat in the house and that's an appreciating asset...the car's value is going down the tubes anyway, people!

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