Baby Luke...

.... Last Tuesday, our friend Jackson became a big brother. We even had the privilege of participating mildly in this event by hosting the big brother while mom and dad were at the hospital "getting baby Luke". We got to visit Luke on Wednesday. Being the terribly efficient folks we are, we were able to combine an OB visit with a new baby visit. Emory was with us since we were having an ultrasound (there's only one in there!) and because we would never dream of visiting a new baby without her. She loved baby Luke so much that she got pretty antsy if anyone else held him and the only was we could get her out of there without a display to rival the Exorcist, was to get her to sing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" and put baby Luke to sleep. I think she's going to like being a big sister. At least as long as the baby likes to be held, that is.


Robin Stevens said…
What are the odds that you'd know two different families with two sons named Jackson and Luke?
Mosshouse said…
I am super jealous that I've not been able to hold that little man yet!

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