the Skocelai Christmas

The weekend before Christmas we headed to Biloxi for our Skocelas Christmas with Eric's brother and his family and Eric's mom. Emory's cousins are a tad older than her, they are 16 and 17 years old, so Emory is like the only grandchild. She's second string. We had a lot of fun announcing our expected blessing by wrapping a big sister shirt and having Emory open it. Both ladies say they suspected at Thsnksgiving, but I don't know how since I didn't know then. Maybe just intuition?
Emory came away with a new baby doll and accessories, including a new high chair for baby doll, and a cash register. Enjoy the picutres!

Eric's older brother, Wayne.

Wayne's oldest, Johnny (17!)

Emory exploring the goodies in her baby doll diaper bag from Grandmother.

Wayne's wife, Tanya, and youngest child Kierstn (16!)


Reformed Grits said…
haa! Can I say as long as you are in your childbearing years, someone will always suspect you of being pregnant, then say they just KNEW you were when you announce it! It makes me crazy! What they don't know is that they are STEALING YOUR THUNDER!!! Gr. Can you tell it's a pet peeve of mine???
Anyhow CONGRATULATIONS and glad you had a great Christmas!

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