the birth story...
This is a G-rated version, but if you would rather not know any details of Ethan's arrival you may exit the car now.
After a little bit of an emotional struggle, we decided to induce labor rather than wait it out, mostly due to the terrible itching I was suffering. When we walked in yesterday morning, I was actually 2 centimeters and almost completely effaced. This was exciting to me because it was what we were praying for and it told me that my body really could do this. When I had Emory she was 12 days late and I had not dialated or effaced at all. But this is not her story...
Dr. Mac broke my water at 6:45 and the Pitocin drip started at 6:50. At 7:10 I felt my first contraction that "pinched" a little and by 7:45 they were 5 minutes apart and getting more insistent that they be noticed. The real blessing is that I had no pain in between contractions, which is completely different from my first delivery.
By 8:15 I was having a hard time remebering to breath during contractions, which were now 2 minutes apart. And let me tell you, those 2 minutes roll around fast! I made a deal with the nurse that I would let her check me at 8:45 and then we could evaluate what I could have for pain. Fraiser was due to come on 9:00 and I wanted to be able to enjoy it. I NEVER get to watch TV in during the day! I was only hoping for a bit of Nubane, but when she checked me I was already at 4 cm. So... guess who got her epidural at 9:15?
It took a while for the anasthesiologist to get there, and when he did get there the pain was almost unbearable. But, bless his bones, he was so fast I didn't even have a contraction while he was there. I missed the first episode of Frasier, but thanks to the joys of TNT and syndication, another episode was on right after that. However, I was not to enjoy Frasier as I started having all the "strange" reactions to the epidural. I saw strange only because my labor with Emory was a walk in the park after the epidural but this time my labor took a different kind of difficult turn.
My blood pressure dropped significantly after getting the epidural and I began having trouble staying conscious. We finally got me settled on my left side and I began to itch all over. But, it was ok since I had been itching all during my pregnancy. It just felt normal. At 10:00 I was already at 6 cm and from that point on I gained a centimeter every half hour. We began to get excited, thinking we would have our baby boy by noon.
I began pushing at about 11:45am and the nurse was completely surprised that he wasn't delivered with the first push since I only pushed 3 or 4 times total with our girl, who was my first baby. However, after some investigation she discovered Ethan was turned on his side, facing my left. I was going to have to work for this kid to get him to turn. The "extra exertion" combined with the nasty effects the epidural was having on me lent themselves to less effective pushing too, I'm sure. I began to pass out after every other push and getting the energy to push was quite a struggle. I have to say there is nothing like "coming to" and being told to push hard. My reaction was almost one of "does no one else see what is happening to me?" but I'm sure they see this often, so it really is no big deal to them. And, I was in no real danger, I just felt really, really crappy.
Dr. Mac came in at 12:30, assessed things, and told the nurse to call him in 45 minutes for another assessment. When I heard that he thought we'd be doing this for another 45 minutes, I began praying really hard that I would be able to get this thing done! The second push after Dr. Mac had left, either I got more effective or Ethan finally turned, because all of the sudden my nurse got a little frantic nurse, hitting the call button and calling for help. She barely got her gloves on and had to sit and hold Ethan's head in while someone else raced down the hall to get Dr. Mac. Thank goodness he hadn't gotten far. He had left the room at 12:45 and Ethan was officially delivered at 12:54pm!
After Ethan was delivered it wasn't hard to see why my belly had been so big. He was a big boy, weighing in at 9 pounds even, and 21 inches. Emory was 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 inches as well. Ladies, let me tell you, those 8 ounces make a difference! His head is an inch and 3/4 larger than Emory's was as well. So, already he's looking like a regular boy. He's a good nurser, though he seems to be a bit gassy. Emory was never gassy, so this will be a new experience for us. After a cranky day yesterday, he seems to have settled down a bit and is a little more accepting of this world. At least until this afternoon when he goes for his rites of circumcism.
Thanks to all those who have prayed for us during the journey of getting Ethan to join the outside world. However, the fun is just beginning! As Emory was leaving yesterday she had a meltdown when she realized I wasn't coming with her. Ethan was crying because he was hungry. Dr. Mac walked in and laughed telling me, "You are officially the mother of many when both kids melt down at the same time." Fortunately, this being baby #2, it was easy for me to see the humor in the situation as well. For now, that is. Ask me again in a month.
After a little bit of an emotional struggle, we decided to induce labor rather than wait it out, mostly due to the terrible itching I was suffering. When we walked in yesterday morning, I was actually 2 centimeters and almost completely effaced. This was exciting to me because it was what we were praying for and it told me that my body really could do this. When I had Emory she was 12 days late and I had not dialated or effaced at all. But this is not her story...
Dr. Mac broke my water at 6:45 and the Pitocin drip started at 6:50. At 7:10 I felt my first contraction that "pinched" a little and by 7:45 they were 5 minutes apart and getting more insistent that they be noticed. The real blessing is that I had no pain in between contractions, which is completely different from my first delivery.
By 8:15 I was having a hard time remebering to breath during contractions, which were now 2 minutes apart. And let me tell you, those 2 minutes roll around fast! I made a deal with the nurse that I would let her check me at 8:45 and then we could evaluate what I could have for pain. Fraiser was due to come on 9:00 and I wanted to be able to enjoy it. I NEVER get to watch TV in during the day! I was only hoping for a bit of Nubane, but when she checked me I was already at 4 cm. So... guess who got her epidural at 9:15?
It took a while for the anasthesiologist to get there, and when he did get there the pain was almost unbearable. But, bless his bones, he was so fast I didn't even have a contraction while he was there. I missed the first episode of Frasier, but thanks to the joys of TNT and syndication, another episode was on right after that. However, I was not to enjoy Frasier as I started having all the "strange" reactions to the epidural. I saw strange only because my labor with Emory was a walk in the park after the epidural but this time my labor took a different kind of difficult turn.
My blood pressure dropped significantly after getting the epidural and I began having trouble staying conscious. We finally got me settled on my left side and I began to itch all over. But, it was ok since I had been itching all during my pregnancy. It just felt normal. At 10:00 I was already at 6 cm and from that point on I gained a centimeter every half hour. We began to get excited, thinking we would have our baby boy by noon.
I began pushing at about 11:45am and the nurse was completely surprised that he wasn't delivered with the first push since I only pushed 3 or 4 times total with our girl, who was my first baby. However, after some investigation she discovered Ethan was turned on his side, facing my left. I was going to have to work for this kid to get him to turn. The "extra exertion" combined with the nasty effects the epidural was having on me lent themselves to less effective pushing too, I'm sure. I began to pass out after every other push and getting the energy to push was quite a struggle. I have to say there is nothing like "coming to" and being told to push hard. My reaction was almost one of "does no one else see what is happening to me?" but I'm sure they see this often, so it really is no big deal to them. And, I was in no real danger, I just felt really, really crappy.
Dr. Mac came in at 12:30, assessed things, and told the nurse to call him in 45 minutes for another assessment. When I heard that he thought we'd be doing this for another 45 minutes, I began praying really hard that I would be able to get this thing done! The second push after Dr. Mac had left, either I got more effective or Ethan finally turned, because all of the sudden my nurse got a little frantic nurse, hitting the call button and calling for help. She barely got her gloves on and had to sit and hold Ethan's head in while someone else raced down the hall to get Dr. Mac. Thank goodness he hadn't gotten far. He had left the room at 12:45 and Ethan was officially delivered at 12:54pm!
After Ethan was delivered it wasn't hard to see why my belly had been so big. He was a big boy, weighing in at 9 pounds even, and 21 inches. Emory was 8 pounds, 8 ounces and was 21 inches as well. Ladies, let me tell you, those 8 ounces make a difference! His head is an inch and 3/4 larger than Emory's was as well. So, already he's looking like a regular boy. He's a good nurser, though he seems to be a bit gassy. Emory was never gassy, so this will be a new experience for us. After a cranky day yesterday, he seems to have settled down a bit and is a little more accepting of this world. At least until this afternoon when he goes for his rites of circumcism.
Thanks to all those who have prayed for us during the journey of getting Ethan to join the outside world. However, the fun is just beginning! As Emory was leaving yesterday she had a meltdown when she realized I wasn't coming with her. Ethan was crying because he was hungry. Dr. Mac walked in and laughed telling me, "You are officially the mother of many when both kids melt down at the same time." Fortunately, this being baby #2, it was easy for me to see the humor in the situation as well. For now, that is. Ask me again in a month.
Love, Elizabeth