how a ladybug turns 2!

partying in the backyard with all her friends!

This is the terribly awesome cake that my friend, Sara, made for Emory. Not only was it adorable, it tasted really good too! Contact me if you want to book her for your child's party.

All the buds in the backyard.

Parker playing with what else? a ball!

Wilson enjoying a very special drink... koolaid jammers.

Jackson showing off what he managed to sneak away from Parker.

Micah checking out the happenings from the "safety" of the kangaroo klimber.

The most happpenin' place at any gathering... the kid's table!

Who wants to eat when there are silly faces to be made?

The moment we've waited all evening for. A little piece of Skocelai-Davis history... Somehow, and I'm guessing it's because mommas are so busy at birthday parties, I ended up holding Sydney Raines when she blew out her candles for her 2-year-old party. I thought it was interesting that of all the adults present, Emory chose Sydney Raines' mommy (Aimee) to hold her while she blew out her candles. Emory didn't even look for me. She typically doesn't if Mrs. Aimee is around.

Mrs. Aimee giving a cupcake tutorial. Oddly enough, Emory had no idea what she was supposed to do.

Now she's got it!

Sugar induced joy.

An extreme close-up of Sydney Raines. Or, as Emory prefers to call her, Raines Syd.

When the party's over, it's time to enjoy the goodie bag. Incidentally, those stamps, which I got a party store, were not washable and we had church the next day. Emory looked like a leper.


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