fighting for restoration....

It's a long story, and another post, but today I'm fighting to take back what is rightfully mine as a child of the King.  I woke up grumpy, easily irritated, and even not feeling too great.  Just down in the dumpos for no good reason.  YET, in His grace, I am being reminded to pray for help rather than muddle through in my own strength.  This morning I told the Lord that I refused to be a grumpy momma today.  I won't settle for just making do.  I'm a child of the covenant, have 2 pretty terrific kiddos to call mine and spend today with, nothing really pressing to do, and a whole array of cool stuff to pull out and enjoy with the babes.  So, we're pushing back the Sam's run until after lunch, filling up the pool, and heading out after the wee one is up from his morning snooze.

And did the grumps just magically disappear?  Heck no!  But, I will not allow evil to have it's way.  At least not today, and not on my turf.  I can not tell you how many times already I have already cried out to the Lord to literally, and radically, change my perspective from being irritated to being able to enjoy the mess Emory is making as she fills her pool, the chalk she got all over over her body as she traced her hands and feet (by herself!), and the mulch we tracked in when we came inside.  Today, that's praying big!


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