I Corinithians 13 - Mommy style...

1 If I can understand the needs of my infant, but I meet those needs begrudgingly, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

2 If I crack the code of what the kids will eat for dinner tonight, and trust that they will clean their plates, but gripe in my heart about the extra work, I am nothing.

3 If I share my Cherry Coke Zero, and cuddle the tired three-year-old, but am irritated by the interruption, I gain nothing.

4 Love answers that question one more time with a sweet attitude. It does not wish for what it thinks other kids act like, is does not flaunt the time spent planning cool art projects for the kids,

5 it does not demand in anger to be respected, it willingly plays hide-and-seek one more time, it does not flip it's lid when the toddler spills an entire box of Frosted Flakes while playing store, it truly forgives when the three-year-old asks forgiveness for disobedience yet again.

6 Love does not give that extra swat just because it is tired of disciplining for the same thing over and over, it is grieved for their child's struggle with sin.

7 It always removes temptation, always gives the benefit of the doubt, always assumes the best, never says it is too tired.

And because this is such a tall order for us frail, exhausted mommas... thank goodness for Philippians 4:13 - I can get up at 5:30, change one more diaper, fix one more bottle, read one more book, build one more tower, play one more game of chase, fix breakfast, fix snack, fix lunch, fix snack again, fix dinner while holding a baby, smile at my husband when he comes home, engage in conversation at the dinner table, chase the kids to the bathtub, giggle at silly books before bed, and get one more glass of water just when I was about to sit down through Him who gives me strength!


Olivia said…
Wow...convicting. It's so hard to have a joyful spirit when dealing with the little ones all day. But when I remember how lovingly God deals with me, it helps me to be patient.

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