random thoughts...
Recently, Emory has been a lot of fun. She is almost (4 more days!) 18 months old and is doing all those fun 18 month old things. And since we are completely over our lastest cold, she's fairly compliant too. Although I am not typically a fan of "character clothing", she's been given a few pieces and I bought her one. She is the proud owner of both a Strawberry Shortcake and an Elmo t-shirt. She pronounces Strawberry Shortcake, "Berry Cake". It's really cute. So anyways, today she is wearing her Berry Cake shirt and she had berries for a snack in her Berry Cake bowl. The joys of discovering a child's favorite character. I probably pushed Berry Cake on her, though, since she was my favorite when I was little, too.
She has also discovered some new heights to scale in our home. Most recently I found her in the kitchen sink and on top of the changing table. Both times she was most proud of herself! Almost as proud as when she was washing the telephone in the toilet. What a hard worker.
And because I told you these were random thoughts... From Jerry Bridges Trusting God...
"In our trusting God, there is more at stake than experiencing peace in the midst of difficulties or even deliverance from them. The honor of God should be our chief concern....
Thanksgiving is an admission of dependence.... our problem is far deeper than mere forgetfulness. We are imbued with a spirit of ingratitude because of our sinful nature. We must cultivate a new spirit, the spirit of gratitude, which the Holy Spirit planted in us at our salvation.
The basis for our giving thanks is ... His soverienty, wisdom, and love.... it is the firm belief that God is at work in all things...for our good...It is the willingness to accept this truth from God's Word and rely upon it without having to know just how He is working it for our good."
She has also discovered some new heights to scale in our home. Most recently I found her in the kitchen sink and on top of the changing table. Both times she was most proud of herself! Almost as proud as when she was washing the telephone in the toilet. What a hard worker.
And because I told you these were random thoughts... From Jerry Bridges Trusting God...
"In our trusting God, there is more at stake than experiencing peace in the midst of difficulties or even deliverance from them. The honor of God should be our chief concern....
Thanksgiving is an admission of dependence.... our problem is far deeper than mere forgetfulness. We are imbued with a spirit of ingratitude because of our sinful nature. We must cultivate a new spirit, the spirit of gratitude, which the Holy Spirit planted in us at our salvation.
The basis for our giving thanks is ... His soverienty, wisdom, and love.... it is the firm belief that God is at work in all things...for our good...It is the willingness to accept this truth from God's Word and rely upon it without having to know just how He is working it for our good."