the grossest place in my house is not the toilet, the dog bowls, or even the litter box. It is most definately (drumroll please!).... under the highchair! Where is the grossest place in your house? Come on now girls, 'fess up!
All 1400 square feet of the house. Seriously? I'll have to think about this one. And after thinking, I would have to say the under edge of the table where Little Philip sits to eat his meals. I discovered layers upon layers of meals left by those sticky little fingers. The only thing that would get it off was a product called "Barkeepers Friend."
HAHA..Funny! I've never really thought about it, but I would have to say the....the kids bathroom sink. Everytime they brush their teeth, I have to go in and literally scrub the sink because of all the toothpaste residue. It's soo gross! LOL!
The trashcan. I know, cliche, but I cannot bring myself to make the time to take it outside, hose it down and scrub with bleach. It is really gross! Close second is the same as Renie's...the edge of the table where Katie sits.