second chances...

Now, I have been terribly convicted that all I do is post about my daughter and myself. But there is another person who lives in this house. He is the hairy one in the profile picture, and around here he's known as "daddy". As I was crawling into bed tonight (yes, I got out of bed to post this!), I had the pleasure of asking my husband to "scooch" over. Why pleasure? Because he gets in bed first to warm up my side so I am not cold when I get in the bed. I know... aaawwwwww. Some of you may even be vomiting now from all the sweetness. However, I remind you that I've been given a second chance at this marriage thing, and if I do say so myself, I did much better this time around! Or, maybe it is just that God delights Himself to give us second chances. After all, isn't that just what our salvation is?


Mosshouse said…
That's so nice. I have high standards. Philip had to buy a heating blanket for me :)

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