
So, who was it the recently blogged that summers were supposed to be slower? It just got cranked up here, as you can tell by my blogging lapse. With VBS last week, a house on the market, a teething toddler, friends to reconnect with, a husband to feed, a house to maintain at least at a tolerable level of clutter and dirt, and service to the Body that we are members of... there just ain't enough hours in my day! Not to mention all the extra fun summery things to do like swimming, eating popsicles, and scouting out all the great playgorunds.

Emory got to go swimming for the first time this summer on Tuesday and I have never seen her laugh so much. We were only there for an hour because we waited until after naptime to go. She giggled the whole time we were there. It was hysterical. It is times like that I am a little sad that her daddy misses so much of her firsts. If you think about it, we get to do so much with them that the daddies have to miss out on. But anyways, I'm looking forward to lots of Saturday swimming with our daddy this summer.

We found a terrific new park today that has a sandbox. How cool! I don't think I have ever seen my child dirtier than she was today. We had baby Helen with us, and she had a blast sitting in the shade and watching the children romp about. We met some friends there and had us a picnic lunch. The kids played hard and it was sad to leave such a fun place. We'll have to go there again very soon.

This weekend we are headed south to visit some friends and see a baby elephant. An elephant was the first animal noise that Emory made. Her daddy taught her that one and it has always made him sad that our zoo no longer has an elephant. When he discovered that there is a zoo close by that has elephants, we just had to see them. We had made plans to take a day trip and meet up with our friends to take in the zoo together. But, the day trip quickly became a stay-the-weekend-with-us and we are so excited to be getting a mini vacation. In the veternary world, the summer is the busiest time of year. So, we will never know the joy of getting away for a summer vacation. This is the closest we are going to get and God has worked out such a wonderful weekend for us.

We will be heading down after naptime on Friday evening. Our friends have 2 boys, J who is 3 and K who is 1. After making pizza and playing with her new friends, we'll see how Emory does sleeping in a new place. Saturday morning we will head out to the zoo armed with picnic lunches. After the zoo it is naptime for all. The best part is that Sturday night we have a free babysitter in the form of a grandparent who has offered to keep all the kids so that we can have a double date. The last double date that I can remember was the month before Emory was born. It's been a while. On Sunday we'll get to worship with not only the friends we'll be staying with, but also some childhood friends of mine who just happen to be members of their church Body. The last time I saw them, Eric and I had just started dating. The time before that I was in high school. It will be good to see them again!

We are so looking forward to being out of our house, to seeing our friends, and to meeting K who we've yet to lay eyes on. I'm sure there will be lots of picture taking! With J and K's mommy's permission, I'll post pictures of our adventure next week.

Happy weekend!


e.c. said…
If you're referring to my post on summer, I don't think that's what I intended to convey. I meant that it slows down of obligations(school, etc), so we have about 8-10 weeks to fill in what we want to do...and you're right, it is FAR from slow! Since I love to try to pack it all in, we have been constantly going since the first of June. But the thing is, I have the freedom to do all of it, or none of it....I can let the kids sleep till 8, not eat breakfast until 9, then spend time reading bible stories and singing songs until 10 if I want(like we did this morning). That just doesn't happen any other time of the year. Usually I'm up at 5:30, wake Caroline at 6:15, and it's rush, rush, rush through breakfast and making lunch to get to school on time. I glad y'all are enjoying the summertime, and Emory it getting such a great taste of swimming :)
Eric and Sarah said…
Hey E.C.... I think it was quite a few blogs I read recently and I thought it was funny. We are lazier during the school year b/c all our friends got to school!

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